
airBaltic Launches Direct Flights to Venice and Nice


airBaltic president and CEO Bertolt Flick: “We are expanding our network of routes not just in the direction of Scandinavia and eastern countries. Each summer season, airBaltic opens flights to Mediterranean cities to make it easy and comfortable for people to fly to places where sunshine, sea and beaches are abundant.”

Initially airBaltic direct from Riga to Venice will be offered twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays. The flights will be offered on Boeing 737-500 aircraft and will last for 2 hours and 30 minutes. One-way tickets will start at LVL 32, including airport fees and transaction costs.

Direct flights to Nice will be offered three times a week, on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. These flights, too, will be offered on Boeing 737-500 aircraft, and they will last for 3 hours and 10 minutes. One-way tickets will start at LVL 32, including airport fees and transaction costs.

Venice is one of the most popular tourism destinations in Europe. It sits on 117 small islands, which are linked by 378 bridges. The most attractive tourist objects in Venice are St Mark’s Square with St Mark’s Basilica and the Castle of the Doges. The square offers an amazingly well integrated set of Italian Renaissance and Byzantine architecture. Venice is always a surprise with its ornate castles and gardens, its wealth of museums, and the always typical voyages by gondola.

Nice is the main city on the French Riviera and is on the shores of the Mediterranean in the South of France, not far from the Italian border and close to Monaco. For the past 10 years, it has been declared the greenest and most flowering city in France. Nice has many green alleys and gardens. The city is very sunny – 300 days of sunshine each year. Nice has always inspired artists and sculptors whose work is displayed in local museums and art galleries.

airBaltic in brief:
AIR BALTIC CORPORATION (airBaltic) is a joint-stock company established in 1995. Main shareholders: the state of Latvia 52.6% of stocks, SAS AB – 47.2% of stocks. airBaltic fleet consists of  twenty four aircraft: ten Boeing 737 – 500, five Boeing 737-300 one Boeing 757-200 and eight Fokker 50. airBaltic offers direct flights out of two capital cities of the Baltic States - Riga and Vilnius, and offers direct flights between Kaliningrad and Copenhagen, Liepaja and Hamburg, and Liepaja and Copenhagen.


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